Hotel La Rocca - Chatillon
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Free cancellation up to 3 days and other benefits

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  • discounts of up to 10% compared to booking on equal terms
  • free cancellations for most tariffs
  • free parking space in outdoor car park or covered garage

Art and Culture at the Castle Gamba

The new museum dedicated to modern and contemporary art

The Department of Education and Culture of the Autonomous Region of Valle d’Aosta presents to the public the Castle Gamba, a new museum dedicated to modern and contemporary art, with absolutely peculiar characters, as historic, castle and setting up a permanent exhibition that fits within the system of public use and enjoyment of cultural heritage present in the Aosta Valley

These development proposals at the Castle Gamba born from the conviction of the importance of cultural heritage in the formation of identity, civic and individual, and have the goal of moving all of the public (adults, young people, families with children) art modern and contemporary art, experimenting with new ways of learning.

The art education is a stimulus for sensitivity, for participation and sharing of cultural processes and understanding of the world around us. In this guided tours and workshop activities for children and families aim to make the Castle Gamba a place of discovery, encounter and dialogue where each individual can experience art in total creative freedom always creating new educational experiences, aesthetic and emotional. The Castle Gamba is proposed to the public as a place to learn, to live and to attend where everyone can participate in a creative and exciting.

A place of art and culture

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